Displaying 321 to 360 of 473 records - page 9 of 12
Morris, Patrick
Murphy, Daniel
Murphy, Edward
Son of Nicholas and Jane Murphy. Husband of Mary Ann Murphy of 3 Well Lane, Wexford. Private Murphy had been in the army for a number of years serving in both India and South Africa. He had two children.
No known grave but remembered on Panel 33, Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium.
Murphy, George
Murphy, James
Murphy, James
Murphy, James Charles.
Murphy, James Patrick
Murphy, John J.
Son of John and Julia Murphy of Ballingarry, Gorey. St. Helen's Cemetery, UK.
Murphy, John Kilrosh
Son of Aidan and Mary Murphy.
Murphy, Matthew
Murphy, Michael
Son of James Murphy. Next of kin Mary Murphy, Enniscorthy. Micheal (Nick) was employed as a Stable Boy before enlisting, Grave/Memorial reference: VII.C20. Tincourt New British Cemetery, France.
Murphy, Michael
Son of Michael and Bridget Murphy of 2 Ryland Road, Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford.
Murphy, Myles Joseph
Murphy, Patrick
Murphy, Patrick Joseph.
Murphy, Richard
Son of William J. Murphy
Murphy, Richard
Murphy, Thomas
Murphy, Thomas
Son of Martin and Johanna Murphy of Enniscorthy. Husband of Margaret Murphy of 5 Cathedral Street, Enniscorthy. In 1911 he was at 5 Duffry Hill.
Murphy, Thomas
Son of James Murphy, Barrack Street , Wexford. James was known as one of the best boxers in the army. Lord Kitchener wrote to James parents conveying the sympathy of the King and Queen on the death of Private Murphy. His brother Patrick, a seaman on board HMS Orbita, was drowned on the 31st of August 1915 at only 21 years of age.
Private James Murphy has no known grave but is commemorated on panel 33 of the Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium.
Murphy, Thomas
Son of James (a carpenter by trade) and Bridget Murphy née Breen of Kiltealy. Brother of James Murphy Junior of Cloroguemore, Kiltealy, Enniscorthy. Buried in Plot 1. Row G, Grave 18 Bertrancourt Military Cemetery. France.
Murphy, Thomas Alias For John Sinnott
Son of Stephen and Ellen Sinnott née Murphy of Cornmarket, Wexford.
Neill, Aidan
Neill, James
Neill, John
Neill, Michael
Son of Michael and Hannah Neill née Healy Hill Street, Wexford.
Noctor, James
Nolan, Aiden
Nolan, John
Nolan, Joseph Patrick
Son of Patrick Nolan and Mrs Nolan, 3 Clifford Street, Wexford. Widow Kate and daughter in Wellington, New Zealand. originally had a career as a sailor but settled in New Zealand. Enlisted at the outbreak of war and was sent to the Dardanelles. Shot by a sniper. Brother to Mrs. Patrick Sinnott, Bellefield, Enniscorthy and to Mrs. Dora Breen, 3 Clifford Street, Wexford.
Buried in Shrapnel Valley Cemetery in Turkey.
Nolan, Martin
Son of Peter and Mary Nolan née Redmond, John Street, Wexford. Widow Annie née Stafford at Back Street, Wexford. Brother of Patrick Nolan 16489
Nolan, Michael
Nolan, Patrick
Son of the late Patrick and Bridget Nolan née Byrne of 5 Mernagh Street, (Edward's Lane) Enniscorthy. Memorialised on the Vis-en-Artois Memorial (France).
Nolan, Patrick
Son of Peter and Mary Nolan nee Redmond. Married Christina Smith in 1905. In 1911 his address was 11 Trimmers Lane, Wexford. Husband of Mrs Nolan of Back Street. Brother of Martin Nolan 16565.
Nolan, Richard
Norris, Thomas Stephen
He enlisted as 67665 Constable in the Royal Irish Constabulary in 1914. Son of William and Anne Norris nee Cowman, of Kilbranish South, Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford. Named George at birth.