Allen, James
Parents John and Bridget, Upper Mary Street, New Ross. Correct name James but named as John Allen in newspaper article. Enniscorthy Guardian.
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Parents John and Bridget, Upper Mary Street, New Ross. Correct name James but named as John Allen in newspaper article. Enniscorthy Guardian.
Son of John and Margaret Allen, Murrintown
Mother Bridget, brother John
Anderson was formally with the Lancaster Fusiliers (No. 4320). The 20th Bn, Manchester Regiment were involved in fighting in the Somme sector during the time of Anderson's death. Buried in Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension (Nord), France.
Son of Samuel Atkins of South Main Street, Wexford
Son on of Patrick and Kate Austin née Quinn
Son of John and Mary Ann Barber née Bobier
Son of Aidan and Mrs Elizabeth Barker née Neill of Duke Street, Wexford.
Son of Thomas and Mary Barnwell née Somers of Mayglass, Ballycogley, Co. Wexford.
The son of James and Bridget Barton nee Barry. Transferred to 2nd Leinster Regiment.
The son of Thomas Askins Bass and Esther Bass née Warren.
Before going to the front Mr Bass was involved in Business in gorey for a number of years in connection with the firm of W E Reynolds. He was cousin of Mr George Warren auctioneer. Just before he was killed, his company were in a very hot engagement, and were about to be relieved when he was struck down by a piece of shrapnel. - News from the front, Gorey and the Great War by Brian & Mary Kenny.
Son of William and Lydia Batterton née Rickerby. Son of William Batterton, 57 Irish Street, Enniscorthy.
Son of Andrew and Johanna Berry née Connors. Husband of Katie Berry née Goggin, Mary's Lane, Gibson St., Wexford
Son of John and Mary Berry nee Sullivan of Clifford Street, Wexford. Brother of Private Richard Berry, killed four months previous. Buried in Ramleh War Cemetery in Israel.
Son of John & Mary Berry. Husband of Ellen Berry nee Donohue.
Tyne Cot Cemetery, Belgium.
Husband of Margaret Jordan (Formally Berry). Eleven years service before been drafted to Flanders. Had been stationed in India. reported missing after the Battle of Mons. Commemorated on Panel 11 and 12, Le Touret Memorial, France. Date of death, 19th October, is the date that 2nd Royal Irish assaulted the town of Le Pilly, during the Battle of La Basse.
Son of Patrick & Ellen Birney née Cuffe, Strahart, Ferns, Co. Wexford. Killed just after first battle of Ypres.
Son of Thomas and Margaret Bishop née Baldwin of Manor St., Waterford. Killed in Flanders, Second Battle of Ypres (22 April-25 May, 1915) in which 2nd Dragoon Guards, serving in 1st Cavalry Division, were a part.
Son of Edward and Mary Ann Boland née Foran, of Millpark Road, Enniscorthy. His father was a policeman. Brother of Thomas Boland, Millpark Road, Enniscorthy. Remembered on Menin Gate, Ypres.
Mother Mary at Ballyleigh, New Ross.
Son of James and Kate Bolger née Murphy, Shannon, Enniscorthy. Son of James & Catherine Bolger, 7 Mernagh St., Enniscorthy. Killed just before the battle of St. Eloi, France. Remembered on the Menin Gate, Ypres.
Son of Patrick Bolger, 11 Patrick's Place, Enniscorthy. Husband of Annie Bolger née Cummins of 17 Palatine Square, Burnley. Battle of Jerusalem / Palestine Campaign casualty. Buried in Jerusalem War Cemetery in Israel.
Son of William and Jane Bowles née Baird. Formerly served as Private No.19922 in the 1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers. Bowles was with the 14th Hampshire's in 39th Division which suffered huge casualties in the Ludendorff/German Spring Offensive.
Buried in Bellicourt British Cemetery in France.
Son of Thomas and Mary Boyle née Howard.
Son of Richard and Jane Bradley née Wallace. Killed in France during period between The Battle of Drocourt-Queant (2-3 September 1918), and The Battle of the Canal du Nord (27 September – 1 October 1918) in which 2nd Royal Irish, serving in 63rd Royal Naval Division, took part.
Son of James & Ellen Brady nee Grannel of Churchtown, Kilrane. Husband of Ellen Brady née White of Butlerstown, Broadway. Living relatives at the time of his death. were his wife Ellen, son John and daughter Bun. However, all effects, etc were sent to Miss Margaret Broughan, Tallyho, Tinahealy, Co. Wicklow. Died from wounds to the abdomen caused by an aerial bomb France and Flanders.
The 2nd Royal Irish Fusiliers were deployed to Salonika with the 27th Division in 1916.
The son of the late James, and Margaret Breen née Habernathy, of 66 Ross Road, Enniscorthy. Brother of Thomas Breen (4370). Prior to enlisting on the 18th September 1914, James was employed as a shop assistant at Mr. W.K. Stamp's, Market Square, Enniscorthy. 2nd Division, in which Breen's battalion was serving, lost over 5,000 men.
Son of Patrick & Mary Breen of Clonamona, Craanford, Gorey, Co Wexford. No available information on why Breen might have been killed, but is buried/commemorated in the Somme area.
Son of Moses & Annie Breen née Doyle of Birkenhead, Liverpool. Brother of Joseph Breen (4660).
Son of Moses & Annie Breen née Doyle of Birkenhead. Brother of John J Breen (7288)
Son of Myles and Eliza Breen née Thackaberry. No available information on why Breen might have been killed, but is buried/commemorated in the Somme area.
Son of John and the late Sarah Brennan née Brien. Effects to father John and stepmother Mary Brennan of The Faythe, Wexford
Son of Patrick Edward and Ellen Breslin née Doyle. His father was a painter. No claim made on his army estate. The 1911 Census shows him boarding at Eardownes, Broadway.